Why choose mean stack for web development?

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The field of web development is evolving rapidly due to technological advancements. Today, all of the web development frameworks on the market, including the Mean Stack for Web Development, offer amazing user experiences that go well beyond basic HTML and CSS. This progress showcases the potential and versatility of modern web technologies.

Even if developing a website takes time and requires a variety of factors, from coding to server configuration, we can state that some of the top web development frameworks can efficiently manage these factors.

The MEAN stack comprises four major technologies – MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and NodeJS. These JavaScript technologies are perfect for web app development along with integrating secure databases and cloud storage systems.

In this blog, we will talk about the capabilities of MEAN stack development, its features, and how businesses can leverage it for building user-friendly applications.

Understanding MEAN stack technologies 

  • MongoDB

It is an open-source NoSQL database that uses documents that resemble JSON to store data. Users benefit from the excellent performance and scalability that MongoDB offers. It is credited as being the first to provide both documentation and a wide range of data.

MongoDB, a dependable database, enables developers to transfer data from the server to the client. By storing the necessary data sets in binary JSON format, it provides greater accessibility.

  • Express.js

This small, user-friendly framework quickly and securely integrates Node.js with MongoDB while protecting and running web applications. Additionally, Express.js has features for both single-page and multi-page web applications, and it integrates with the Ruby and Sinatra frameworks.

It makes web app development easy for developers since JavaScript can be used to generate server-side software. This quality ensures its flexibility and adaptability of the development environment.

  • AngularJS

This front-end technology from Google is mostly helpful for creating single-page applications (SPAs). With the help of this powerful web development tool, developers may expand the HTML language for apps.

It simplifies the processing of user requests as a client-side framework. Angular.js may enable developers simply get rid of extra code. It offers cutting-edge features.

  • Node.js

It serves as the backbone of the MEAN Stack platform for web development. Node.js development is built on the powerful framework and V8 engine from Google Chrome. It is a portable, open-source platform. It has a sizable ecosystem of open-source libraries collectively referred to as npm.

The architecture of MEAN stack

The MEAN stack architecture adheres to the layered functioning architecture, or you might say in the phases, much like any other architecture, whether it be of a mechanical machine or a whole stack of software. And among those phases are:

  • Stage 1: The first thread begins on the client side, where users can make requests to the AngularJS application to carry out tasks.
  • Stage 2: The request will now enter the JavaScript run-time environment, where the server-side application Node.js is installed, to be parsed.
  • Stage 3: As a server layer connected to Node.js, Express.js further examines the query and sends a request to a database to retrieve the response.
  • Stage 4: After receiving the query, MongoDB immediately pulls the database to fast obtain the data and transmit it to the Express.js server.
  • Stage 5: Now that the entire process has been switched around, the data that Express.js receives will be transferred to Node.js, which will then be sent to the Angular.js client-side application and shown to the user as a result. 

The MEAN architecture is intended to make managing JSON and creating web apps in JavaScript relatively simple.

Why choose MEAN stack for web development?

  • Flexible & efficient

Regardless of technical challenges, MEAN Stack is a versatile and effective JavaScript framework that can manage projects of various sizes and businesses. Most MEAN stack developers are adaptable enough to switch between client-side and server-side apps.

Additionally, the MEAN stack eliminates any obstacles by providing access to both client-side and server-side app code using fully JavaScript-based code.

  • Uniform code base

As was already said, NodeJS employs JavaScript for both front-end and back-end development, enabling you to create the whole stack of your application from a single code base. As a result, developers may use the MEAN Stack framework to create an app from scratch without having to move between various programming languages.

  • Secure & performance-oriented

JavaScript is used by MEAN Stack on both the front end and the back end, making the web application quick, safe, and dependable. Furthermore, the single-threaded approach of NodeJS makes it very scalable for high-traffic websites or apps where several users may access data from your website at once.

  • Improved code quality

The usage of Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) and RESTful APIs guarantees that the quality of the code is maintained during development. Writing unit tests and integration tests (for RESTful APIs) to make sure it complies with the criteria also makes testing simple.

  • Easy to collaborate

The ability for numerous developers to collaborate on the same project is another advantage of adopting the MEAN Stack for web development. By facilitating simple teamwork, you may finish larger tasks more quickly and within a certain timeline.

  • Cloud-friendly

The MEAN stack makes it possible to create user interfaces that are comfortable to use. It supports the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture to create online apps that seem natural. To increase the performance of websites, it reduces the overload of request processing and leverages Node.js for non-blocking type I/O.

  • Scalable for businesses

You can see that each of the four frameworks that make up a MEAN stack is cost-free, open-source, and incredibly scalable. In addition, it includes a number of extra libraries and reusable modules. These all significantly contribute to speeding up development and saving a ton of time.

  • Budget-friendly development

Due to its affordability, the MEAN stack has topped the lists of both clients and developers. This is one of the main causes. The clients won’t have to look for additional developers because this framework is a full stack on its own.

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Final words

The MEAN stack technology is getting better and better. To produce cutting-edge online and mobile apps, the majority of top web and mobile app development businesses heavily rely on MEAN stack technologies.

You may get in touch with Techpotam if you want to create any kind of application or website using MEAN stack technologies. Techpotam employs great developers that have years of expertise working with MEAN stack technologies.

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